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Springfield American Legion Post 227
Delaware County Pennsylvania

About Us
Post Leadership
Springfield American Legion Post 227 is a veterans service organization devoted to mutual helpfulness within our community. Through continued service of its members, Post 227 is committed to mentoring youth, advancing wholesome programs in Springfield and Delaware County, supporting service members and our fellow veterans, and honoring the memory of our fallen and missing heroes and the sacrifices of their family.
Springfield American Legion Post 227 was first chartered March 30, 1925 by 15 World War I veterans and Springfield residents with George I. Boyd of 216 Ballymore Road as its commander. The Post was rechartered again on September 26, 1926 with Charles B. Merritt of 420 Prospect Road as its leader. It is the oldest volunteer organization in Springfield Township. The American Legion was originally founded on four pillars: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth. These pillars remain as relevant today as they were when the Legion was first established in 1919.
What we do:
In addition to offering fellowship and support to our members, all veterans, military family, and family members of our fallen heroes, Springfield Post 227 sponsors scholarships and supports several youth, military service member, and veteran causes and programs in our community and in the local area.
Through our service officer, the Post strives to be the community’s premier source and focal-point for veterans benefits information.
Post 227 hosts veterans and service-focused informational events within Springfield. It organizes a Flag Day flag disposal ceremony, orchestrates the Springfield Memorial Day remembrance activities, and participates in the Independence Day Parade, National Night Out, and other community events. The Post recognizes veterans in various ways and seeks to promote the positive impact of service members and veterans on our nation and community.
Through both the brotherhood of our members and the servant leadership of our chaplain, Post 227 endeavors to support the emotional and spiritual needs of the Springfield veteran community.
The service-minded members of Springfield Post 227 stand ready to support each other, other veterans, and programs that benefit the community and improve opportunities for the township’s next generation of leaders.
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